Academic Affairs
Curriculum Council

Academic Affairs

The Mission of Academic Affairs

The mission of Academic Affairs at Saint Augustine's College is to promote an educational environment that is conducive to life learning across the broad spectrum of liberal arts. An important element of this mission is to prepare students for graduate and professional studies or employment in a complex, diverse, and rapidly changing world.

The mission of Academic Affairs is achieved through the promulgation of academic policies that facilitate students’ mastery of their chosen discipline, supports their intellectual inquisitiveness, enhances their creativeness, and assists them in examining the ethical and spiritual considerations of their personal and professional conduct.

Building on a sound foundation of general education and major requirements, a pedagogically competent faculty works with students to help them become leaders who think critically, understand the global context of knowledge, and appreciate the achievements of the human spirit.

Academic Affairs Organizational Chart

Major Goals

Towards this mission, the goals of Academic Affairs are:

  • To ensure that students attain competencies in the foundational skills of written and oral communication, mathematics, and computer use;
  • To help students acquire a historical perspective of the impact of race, gender and culture and the requirements of citizenship in American society;

  • To foster in students a critical understanding of the influence and contributions of diverse cultures in a global context, with particular attention to the contributions derived from the cultures of the African Diaspora including, Africa, the Caribbean, and African-American cultures;

  • To provide students with the requisite skills and analytical reasoning ability necessary for the successful pursuit of graduate and professional studies in their major discipline;

  • To develop, review, and revise curricula that will prepare students for meaningful careers including employment in business, government, criminal justice, real estate management, science, the military, education, the arts, and wellness; and

  • To regularly assess the effectiveness of Academic Affairs in fulfilling its mission through regular evaluations of student outcomes, reviewing comparative institutional indicators of institutional effectiveness, and conducting continuous assessment of faculty teaching.

Academic Policies

The Academic Year
Degrees Awarded
Graduation Requirements
Independent Study Policy
Honor Graduates
General Education
Time Limit (Seven-Year Rule)
Residence Requirements: 30-Hours Rule
Earning a Second Baccalaureate Degree
Successive Pursuit of a Second Degree
  Semester Credit Hours
Credits Earned at Accredited U.S. Colleges
Credits Earned at Foreign Colleges
Cooperating Raleigh Colleges (CRC)
Articulation Agreements

Credit by Examination

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Advanced Placement Examinations
Proficiency Exam
Military Credit
Class Load Limits & Excess Credits
Classification of Students
Class Attendance

Academic Standing

Standards of Minimum Progress


Grading System
Grade Change Policy
Credit for Repeating a Course
Grade Reports
Dean's List and Honor’s List
Dropping Classes
Withdrawal from a Course
Withdrawal from the College
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act





Candidates for either degree

must complete all courses in their major, including required supporting courses from other disciplines, with a minimum grade of "C."