Credits Earned at Accredited U.S. Colleges

Once a student has matriculated at Saint Augustine's College, he/she may not pursue courses at another accredited college or university as transfer credits towards a degree without obtaining, in advance of registration for such courses, written approval from the Department Chair, the Division Dean, and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The College may not accept courses taken without such prior approval. Further, after a student has earned 65 or more semester hours of academic credits at another college, credits earned after enrolling in Saint Augustine's College from a junior college, community college, technical institute or other comparable institution will not be accepted as transfer credits.

Students transferring from regionally accredited community colleges and/or technical institutes will receive appropriate credit for courses completed. The student must, however, meet the requirements of the Saint Augustine's College major, even if this involves pursuing freshman and sophomore level courses. The respective Division Dean and/or Department Chair will review the record of the transfer student and will make the final recommendation on the course’s applicability towards the major. This procedure will also apply in cases where the transfer student has earned the Associate of Arts or the Associate of Science degree from a state-approved program or programs approved by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. All transfer credits will be evaluated where applicable, but will not be computed in the grade point average at Saint Augustine's College.