Graduation Requirements

Candidates for graduation must have: passed all General Education requirements; earned a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0; earned a minimum grade of "C" in English 131-132; earned a minimum grade of “C” in all major courses, including required supporting courses from other disciplines; and earned the last 30 hours of course requirements in a major in residence at Saint Augustine's College. Candidates for graduation are expected to participate in all commencement exercises, unless excused in writing by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Candidates for graduation must submit an application to their respective advisors to verify their eligibility for admission to candidacy for graduation. The Candidacy for Graduation form must be reviewed and signed by the student’s advisor and submitted to the Division Dean by October 1 of the Fall Semester immediately prior to the Spring Semester in which the student expects to graduate. The Division Dean will review the student’s academic record to determine whether all requirements for graduation have been successfully completed.

In summary, in order to be eligible for graduation, students are expected to know and satisfy all relevant degree requirements published in the Saint Augustine’s College Catalog in effect when they declared their current major, including General Education requirements, division requirements, as well as the major requirements. While students may expect to receive guidance in course selections and assistance in familiarizing themselves with the College’s academic policies from faculty advisors, Department Chairs and Division Deans, students shall be held responsible for satisfying all requirements necessary to earn their degrees. A student's failure to satisfy all relevant degree requirements is not a basis for making exceptions to the College’s academic requirements and/or policies.

Candidates must also be financially cleared with the College. Students should review the Financial Information section of this Catalog for a listing of graduation fees.