Cooperating Raleigh Colleges (CRC)

Through an agreement with North Carolina State University, Shaw University, Meredith, and Peace, Colleges (i.e., the Cooperating Raleigh Colleges or the “CRC”), students may take courses and pursue programs of study, including courses leading to a minor, when such courses are not offered at Saint Augustine's College. Fall and Spring Semester credits earned through the CRC are not considered transfer credits and, therefore, are computed in the students’ semester and cumulative grade point averages.

Students who are enrolled at Saint Augustine's College and who are interested in taking courses through the CRC must receive written permission prior to registration at the CRC institutions from the Department Chair, the Division Dean and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. During the summer there is no inter-institutional program with local colleges.

Students who have previously enrolled in courses at Saint Augustine’s College and who received a grade of “D” in courses required in the major must repeat such courses at Saint Augustine’s College. Where there are extenuating circumstances that students believe warrant consideration in the application of this policy, students should appeal in writing to the Department Chair of the department in which the course is offered and written authorization must be granted prior to enrolling in the course through the CRC by the Division Dean and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Students who attend North Carolina State University and are not certified as North Carolina residents must pay additional tuition, and/or fees to North Carolina State University above the tuition and fees charged at Saint Augustine's College.