Withdrawal from the College

A student is not officially withdrawn from the College until an application has been signed by the appropriate college administrators and returned to the Office of the Registrar. Students are encouraged to notify their instructors when withdrawing from the College. College property (such as dorm keys and ID cards) must be returned to the Office of Student Affairs at the time of withdrawal.

Upon completion of the withdrawal procedure, the student’s transcript is annotated with a grade of "W" for all courses in which a student is enrolled at the time of withdrawal as well as the date of withdrawal. A student who stops attending class and/or leaves the College without processing a formal withdrawal application form shall receive an “F” grade in each course in which the student is registered.

A student may withdraw from the College at any point up to two weeks before the date for the start of final exams. Students should refer to the dates listed on the current academic calendar. Students who withdraw from the College and who do not re-enroll within one academic year must meet the requirements of the current catalog, including General Education, as well as requirements in the major.

Students who have withdrawn from the College and more than an academic year has passed since they re-enrolled may appeal in writing to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs for a review of circumstances that may warrant consideration of an exception to the application of this rule. Students should refer to the Financial Information section of this catalog to determine the billing and financial impact, if any, of withdrawing from the College.