Independent Study

Graduation Requirements

Offering courses through Independent Study provides students with an opportunity to complete courses required for graduation, but which may not be offered in the semester needed to complete requirements for the baccalaureate degree. Students needing to complete a required course in their major through Independent Study must obtain an application from the Office of the Registrar.

The application requires prior written approval from the instructor teaching the course; the signature of the Division Dean of the academic department offering the course; the signature of the Division Dean in the student's major; the signature of the Vice President for Academic Affairs; and the signature of the Registrar.

The following policies shall govern Independent Study:

  1. Independent Study is limited to students who are currently enrolled at Saint Augustine's College who must complete required courses in their major;
  2. A student is limited to a maximum of three (3) Independent Study courses. Independent Study may not be used to repeat a course unless otherwise approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs; and
  3. A student may not enroll in an Independent Study course in any semester that the course is offered as part of the regular schedule of courses.

The faculty member teaching an Independent Study course must:

  1. Provide the student with a standard syllabus for the course; and
  2. The syllabus must include required meeting dates, weekly assignments/topics and graded assignments including an assignment that forms the basis for a mid-term and final grade.