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Grade Change Policy

Each Student and Faculty Advisor should be familiar with the Academic Policies of Saint Augustine's College. Students and faculty advisors are encouraged to consult regularly with the Saint Augustine's College Catalog and with Department Chairs and Division Deans.

It is the College's policy that once a final grade is recorded, no changes are allowed. The only exceptions to this policy are as follows:

  1. An "I" (Incomplete) grade may be given in exceptional cases to a student whose work in a course has been satisfactory, and, due to documented illness or other documented emergencies beyond the student's control, he or she has been unable to fulfill specific course requirement(s) such as the final examination, a notebook, an experiment, a research or term paper. The student must complete the work by the last day to withdraw from classes of the next semester following the granting of an incomplete ("I") grade; otherwise, the "I" grade is automatically converted to an "F." Although a petition for the "I" grade may be initiated by the student or by a faculty member, the recording of the "I" grade must be approved by the Department Chair and by the Division Dean. The Office of Registrar provides faculty with a special form for the removal of an "I" grade. The grade must be removed by the last day to withdraw from classes as stated on the academic calendar or the Incomplete ("I") will automatically convert to failure ("F"). The Incomplete grade shall not be recorded as a mid-term by a faculty member.

  2. Recording error(s) and/or miscalculations of a grade, must be changed no later than the end of the semester following the recording error or miscalculation. Grade changes must be approved by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost and supported by the Department Chair and the Division Chair- person. All grade changes requested because of recording error(s) and/or miscalculations of a grade must be supported by documentation from the faculty member who made the error; i.e., grade books, papers and examinations and calculation records.