Proficiency Exam

Students enrolled at Saint Augustine’s College may have developed knowledge and skills, which match the knowledge and skills to be achieved in certain courses at the college. A student may request credit by examination for the purpose of validating this knowledge of the material presented in a course. In order to be eligible to take a proficiency exam a student must show evidence of preparedness, such as high achievement in private or public secondary schools, military service, or work experience which will qualify one for advance standing; documentation must be provided.

Challenge procedures:

  • To challenge a course, a student must have the approval of the Division Chair, after consultation with their advisor, to take a proficiency test in a particular course.
  • No student will be allowed over two examinations for credit per semester, up to a maximum of 15 hours per degree.
  • No freshman student will be allowed to earn credit by examination for 300 or 400 level courses.
  • Only grades of “C” or better will be approved for credit toward graduation.
  • Students may not challenge courses in which they have previously made a grade other than “W”.

The appropriate department will administer the examination. The standard fee (existing tuition and fees) will be charged, payable after the proficiency exam has been authorized. No fee paid to take a proficiency exam will be refunded regardless of the result of the examination. Only the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs may make an exception to these rules upon the recommendation of the Division Chair.