Class Load Limits and Excess Credits

The minimum academic load during a semester for a regular, full-time student is 12 semester hours. The normal full-time class load is defined as 12 to 18 semester hours per semester. A class load in excess of 18 hours is considered an overload and will require the approval of the Department Chair, Division Dean and written authorization from the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. A student whose cumulative grade point average is less than 3.00 may not register for overload hours in any semester.

No freshman may take an overload. Authorization for registering for excess credits must be granted in writing by the last day of registration as reported on the College’s current academic calendar for the semester in which an overload is requested. Additional tuition and fees will be charged (see the section of this catalog on Financial Information) for overloads. Students with class loads of less than 12 hours are part-time and will be billed accordingly.