Academic Policies
The Academic Year
Degrees Awarded
Graduation Requirements
Independent Study Policy
Honor Graduates
General Education
Time Limit (Seven-Year Rule)
Residence Requirements: 30-Hours Rule
Earning a Second Baccalaureate Degree
Successive Pursuit of a Second Degree
Semester Credit Hours
Credits Earned at Accredited U.S. Colleges
Credits Earned at Foreign Colleges
Cooperating Raleigh Colleges (CRC)
Articulation Agreements
Credit by Examination
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
Advanced Placement Examinations
Proficiency Exam
Military Credit
Class Load Limits & Excess Credits
Classification of Students
Class Attendance
Academic Standing
Standards of Minimum Progress
Grading System
Grade Change Policy
Credit for Repeating a Course
Grade Reports
Dean's List and Honor’s List
Dropping Classes
Withdrawal from a Course
Withdrawal from the College
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act