Current Students

Saint Augustine's College

The National Institutes of Health Minority Access to Research Careers Undergraduate Training and Research (NIH-MARC U *STAR) Program grant in the amount of $1.075 million was awarded to Saint Augustine’s College to support research training for students of minority groups that are underrepresented in biomedical sciences to improve their preparation for graduate training in biomedical research. Trainees must be junior and/or senior honors students majoring in the sciences who have expressed an interest in a biomedical research career and who intend to pursue postgraduate education leading to the Ph.D., M.D/Ph.D., or other combined professional degree – Ph.D. The period of appointment to the NIH-MARC U *STAR Program is 2 years at the junior/senior level.



  • Program Director
    Mark A. Melton
    208 Penick Hall of Science
    Telephone: (919) 516-4029
    Email: [email protected]

  • Program Administrative Assistant
    Mrs. Marion D. Alston
    002 Boyer Building
    Telephone: (919) 516-4292
    Email: [email protected]

Helpful Tools:


Our Purpose

To increase the number of underrepresented minority researchers in biomedical research. Areas include biology, biochemistry, genetics, behavioral sciences. In addition, areas include quantitative areas necessary to analyze biological phenomena such as physics mathematics, engineering, chemistry and computer sciences.


Program Goals

The goal of the Program is to increase the number of Saint Augustine’s upper division students who graduate from the College who are prepared for, apply to, and are accepted, matriculate and succeed in graduate studies leading to research doctorates in the biomedical related sciences.



To be considered for the NIH-MARC U *STAR Program:

  • United States citizen or permanent resident
  • Native of U.S. Pacific Islands or U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Students on temporary visas are NOT eligible
  • Major: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics & Engineering, and Psychology
  • Minimum overall GPA of 3.0 or above (Strong Science GPA > 3.0)
  • Commitment to attending Graduate School in pursuit of the Ph.D.
  • Submit three strong letters of recommendation
  • Submit a personal statement