Current Students

Saint Augustine's College

Mid-Eastern Alliance for Minority Participation (MEAMP) is a division of the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program.

About out Program

5 Major Components
  • counseling
  • tutorial assistance
  • academic advisement
  • cultural enrichment activities
  • special enrichment courses
Enrichment Courses
  • English Composition
  • Mathematics (College Algebra)


  • Mentor-Mathematics and Engineering
    Bobby Hostler

  • Mentor - Biological and Physical Sciences
    Mr. Alieu Wurie

  • Mentor-Mathematics and Engineering
    Mr. Daniel Bennett

  • Mentor - Computer Science
    Dr. Joseph Austin

  • Administrative Assistant
    Ms. Marquette Davis

  • Director-SOARS Program
    Dr. Ken Alston

  • MEAMP Campus Coordinator
    Dr. Gloria E. Payne

  • Mentor-Mathematics and Engineering
    Dr. Kenneth L. Jones

  • Mentor - Biological and Physical Sciences
    Dr. Edward G. Smith
  • Mentor - Biological and Physical Sciences
    Dr. Dusenbury

Helpful Tools:


Mid-Eastern Alliance for Minority Participation  


MEAMP is designed toward increasing the enrollment and graduation rate of underrepresented ethnic minority students earning baccalaureate degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.


Our Program

MEAMP is composed of a partnership with four-year colleges and universities in North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.

Each partner institution tailors its own program to the needs of their individual students. In partnership with:


Program Goals

  • •Conduct research in your area of study
  • •Conduct research in a laboratory setting
  • •Be prepared for graduate school admissions
  • •Be prepared for graduate level research
  • •Attend conferences and meetings to present research


Saturday opportunities for the Advancement and Retention of Students (SOARS) SOARS is mandatory for all Village of Science and Technology (VOSAT) students who received less than a C average at midterm.

SOARS is also available on Saturdays for any Science or Math major who would like to enhance there understanding about a particular topic, subject and/or concept.

Students have the opportunity to spend one or more hours in the following subject areas:

Principles of Biology I and II

General Chemistry I and II

Algebra and Trigonometry

Students will also receive instructions on how to improve their study habits and time management skills.