Institutional Goals

Saint Augustine’s College is a four-year institution preparing students for leadership roles in a complex, diverse, and rapidly changing world. Students, faculty, administration, and staff participate cooperatively in the overall teaching-learning process. Students participate through their desire for knowledge, readiness to acquire foundational and analytical skills, and in their potential to adapt to the demands of accelerated global change. The faculty facilitates by teaching and advising students, conducting research, and engaging in other professional development activities.

The administration and staff generate and manage resources to support faculty and students. The coordination of all these resources relies upon a consistent and orderly approach to planning and assessment of institutional effectiveness. Institutional research provides data necessary to assess and improve effectiveness in student learning, faculty development, and resource management. To these ends, Saint Augustine's College is committed to achieving the following goals:

  1. Recruiting, retaining, educating, and graduating students whose academic preparation has occurred in a diversity of economic, social, and cultural contexts;
  2. Hiring, retaining, developing, and promoting a professional faculty who possess skills and motivation to educate a diverse student body;
  3. Building student competencies in major academic disciplines on a general education foundation that ensures skills in reading, writing, oral communication, mathematics and computer use;
  4. Fostering a climate in which students acquire knowledge, values, and skills necessary for success in a complex, diverse, and rapidly changing world;
  5. Providing and maintaining a broad range of library and learning resources, including information technologies and instructional support facilities, that enhance the teaching-learning process by offering exposure to various disciplines, cultures, and points of view;
  6. Providing effective leadership and management of the College's financial, physical, and human resources to ensure that they are acquired, retained, allocated, and assessed to promote the stability, security, and long term well-being of the College;
  7. Employing a comprehensive planning and evaluation system for all major aspects of the College, including assessment of the extent to which the students acquire competencies; the faculty fosters scholarship and creativity through varied approaches to teaching and learning; the administration facilitates the enterprise by effectively acquiring and managing financial and human resources; and the staff contributes to efficient operations by providing essential support services; and
  8. Conducting ongoing institutional research as a means of collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information essential to effective planning and evaluation.