Institutional Goals


Graduating Seniors Survey

Congratulations! Soon you will graduate from Saint Augustine’s College and begin a new life. How was your college experience at SAC? What are your plans for the future? If you will be graduating from SAC this term, please take the Graduating Seniors Survey and let us know.

Take the Graduating Seniors Survey by clicking on the link below:

Student Opinion Survey

How is your college experience at Saint Augustine’s College? Current SAC students, please take the Student Opinion Survey and let us know how the College can improve campus life.

Take the Student Opinion Survey by clicking on the link below:

Alumni Survey

Saint Augustine’s College would like to know what its alumni are doing. If you are an SAC graduate, please tell us by taking the Alumni Survey.

Take the Alumni Survey by clicking on the link below:


Contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Dr. Laurie A. Rodgers

Saint Augustine’s College
Mosée Building 100 B
1315 Oakwood Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27610-2298

Phone: (919) 516-4876
Fax: (919) 516-4995
Dr. Theresa Tuwor
Assistant Director

Saint Augustine’s College
Mosée Building 100 C
1315 Oakwood Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27610-2298

Phone: (919) 516-4297
Fax: (919) 516-4995