Buildings & Locations
Campus Map
Driving Directions
Local Accommodations
Academic, Administrative,
Support Facilities
*Main Entrance Gates
1. Mosee Building
2. Benson Building
3. Boyer Building
4. Memorial Chapel
5. Chesphire Building
6. Emory Building
7. Jones Fine Arts Center
8. Classroom Building
9. Gordon Health & Science Center
10. Old Heating Plant
11. Hunter Building
12. Information/Security
13. Robinson Library
14. Pennick Building
15. St. Anges Building
16. N/A
17. Office
18. Martin Luther King Jr. College Union
19. Taylor Wellness Center
20. Tuttle Building
25. Hermitage Hall
28. Alumni House
29. Real Estate Center
30. Physical Plan and Youth Program
38. CAPS Building
21. Atkinson Hall
22. Baker Hall
23. Delany Hall
24. Goold Hall
26. Latham Hall
27. Lynch Hall
35. Boyer Hall
36. Weston Hall
37. Falkcrest Commons
31. Duplex Apartment 1420 Oakwood Apts. A and B
32. Faculty Apartments 1513 thru 1519 Oakwood
33. Faculty Apartments 405 thru 411 Hill Street
34. Faculty Apartments 417 thru 423 Hill Street
A - Basketball
B - Tennis Courts
C - Baseball
D - Track and Field
E - Bleachers