Frequently Asked Questions
Congratulations on your admission to Saint Augustine's College. While you may be looking forward to your first semester, you have many questions. FALCONS S.O.A.R will provide useful information and personalized assistance as you begin your transition to college life.
The 2011 FALCONS S.O.A.R summer sessions will be your optimal opportunity to take the placement exam, get registered for the Fall 2011 semester, and receive your composite schedule (includes courses, times, locations and tuition and fees).
In anticipation of questions you may have, we have attempted to address some of those most frequently asked:
Is attendance or pre-registration required for FALCONS S.O.A.R.?
Yes, SOAR is required and designed especially for all undergraduate first-year students, Participation in SOAR guarantees students receive priority registration for the fall semester. In order to ensure proper facilitation of the program, students need to reserve their spots ahead of time by completing and returning the SOAR registration form
What are the dates of the FALCONS S.O.A.R sessions?
There are eight sessions for students entering the College in the fall.
June |
July |
August |
Friday, June 24
Saturday, June 25 |
Friday, July 8 Saturday, July 9
Friday, July 29 Saturday, July 30 |
Friday, August 5 Saturday, August 6 |
Note: Every effort is made to accommodate students for their first choice SOAR session; however, the earlier orientations fill quickly. Since space is limited, students are encouraged to reserve early. SOAR dates fill on a first-come, first-served basis. The SOAR session dates you select should not be considered confirmed until you have paid the $160.00 enrollment fee to the Office of Admissions and completed your FAFSA form at least 7 days prior to the SOAR session. Remember, the earlier the SOAR session, the more options you will have in choosing your courses and the times they are offered. If you discover that you have selected a SOAR date that conflicts with other events, you can select another SOAR date, only if there are seats available. Remember, SOAR dates are handled on a first-come, first-served basis. The enrollment fee is not covered by scholarships or financial aid.
Is there a cost for FALCONS
There is no cost to the student to attend S.O.A.R. Students, Parents, and other guest who attend are asked to pay for their lunch. Lunch is $5.00 per person.
What should I expect at the SOAR session?
SOAR is meant to make the transition from high school to college a little bit easier. SOAR helps prepare incoming students to be successful their first year in a college. Not only will you have the opportunity to make new friends, but you will also learn about academic requirements and resources in addition to various campus activities before the fall semester even begins. Use this opportunity to become familiar with the environment you will be living in during the next few years.
Will I be advised during the FALCONS S.O.A.R session?
Yes. All new students are encouraged to seek out their Academic Advisor once classes begin in the fall. When you receive your fall schedule you will also be given a business card with your assigned advisor's contact information. It is important that you meet regularly with your academic advisor so you can secure information about course requirements and be able to register early for the following semester's courses.
How should I dress for the FALCONS S.O.A.R. session?
During SOAR you will see all that Saint Augustine's College has to offer; be prepared to walk to different places around our beautiful campus. Wear shoes that are comfortable to walk in and appropriate clothing for being outside at times. Suggested attire for the day might be sneakers, shorts or loose-fitting pants, and a short-sleeved shirt.
Where will I check in for Orientation?
All students may check in at the Seby Jones Auditorium starting at 8:30 a.m. the day of your selected session of S.O.A.R. Check-in is from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. You will be greeted by a representative who will confirm your arrival, assist you with your SOAR schedule, and provide additional instructions.